10 Steps to Tackle Gymtimidation

10 Steps to Tackle Gymtimidation

1. Hire Red Pumps Fitness! Working with a personal trainer is the most efficient way to increase your knowledge of exercise and navigating the gym.
2. Ask for a tour of your gym. Normally your tour guide will give basic information on equipment and it will give you a better idea of how the areas are organized. Knowing where everything is is half the battle.
3. Figure out your goals. Set one to three SMART goals (blog to follow). Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Time bound.  Once you know your goals you know what questions to ask.
4. If your gym has floor trainers, don’t hesitate to ask questions! They are happy to help. This way you can get one on one help with form and equipment. They aren’t going to take you through a full workout but will provide useful information.
5. Google exercises/ exercise plans. There are great websites and apps with databases that can tell you what to do for each body part and some even give tutorials. However, advanced lifts should only be attempted in the presence of a trainer.
6. Pick 4-6 exercises per workout to start. Select the exercises based on your goals, information you received from floor trainers, suggestions from exercise databases or homework from you trainer. Perform 2-3 sets of 8-15 reps depending on goals.
7. Warm up and cool down. This could be foam rolling, dynamic/ static stretching or cardio. Specifically target the areas you’ll be training. This helps prevent injury and maximizes your workout potential.
8. Make sure you fuel your body before, during and after workout. Speak with your doctor or nutritionist to figure out the best choices for your body. You can also visit https://www.choosemyplate.gov/
9. Find a way to track your progress. Will you weigh yourself, measure your body composition, find a piece of clothing you want to fit in, is it an endurance test, an amount you want to lift, number of pull ups? Whatever you do, do it consistently, at least  every two weeks.
10. Make friends! This is a big one. The gym is a community. It’s great to be around like minded people who also value their health and fitness. It makes going to the gym that much better and you never know who you can learn from.

Tackle Gymtimidation!